I Believe in the Power of
Do you have a desire to make the most of your life?
Are you ready to remove the obstacles and break the barriers that have been holding you back?
To exchange confusion for clarity?
Or are you feeling stuck and want to change your current situation?
Hello, I’m Adelle a certified life coach who specialises in supporting people as they uncover their true potential, make positive life changes and lead the life they want.
In my previous career as a Registered Nurse, I became aware that every person has the ability to learn, change and adapt. We are not static personalities, reactive to our environment and the challenges we might face, we are dynamic individuals with multiple intelligences who are able to fulfil our unique potential. It is one thing to know this and quite another to put it into action!
I started to read about life coaching because I was feeling empty and unhappy. I had a nice easy life, a loving husband and family but this wasn't enough and I felt alone and lacked fulfilment. I felt life was mapped out for me and the path through it was straight and narrow. In a nutshell, life was functional, uninspiring and I was bored.
My 'aha moment'was when I realised it wasn't the people around me I needed to change, it was me! Through reading and a journey of self-coaching, I discovered what makes me tick, identified my values and learned what is really important to me and why. I learned the only person responsible for my personal growth and happiness was me and similarly, the only person standing in the way of this was also me. It wasn't always easy but I enjoyed the process and not just the end results.
It was just after this my husband was offered a job overseas for a maximum of 3 years, mhm..... I spent the next 12 years living overseas, spanning four continents and involving six international relocations, whilst raising a family and running a household so I’m no stranger to dealing with the overwhelming feeling of starting a new life, what it feels like to be stuck, or not to fit in and need support to remove obstacles and get started again.
You deserve to be what you want and dream to be - successful (whatever that means to you), happy, fulfilled, satisfied and living life on your terms. I provide support and guidance enabling you to explore the issues and remove the barriers standing in the way of you achieving your goals. Helping you make radical improvements in your own life is my focus.
Now permanently back in the UK, I divide my time between our family home in rural Devon and working homes in both Surrey and Aberdeenshire, where besides being a life coach I am also a support volunteer and run a craft group in a local regional cancer charity. Being originally from Glasgow and have family there I’m still no stranger to travelling, however, don’t worry if you’re not in any of these areas because I coach via Skype, telephone or face to face (area dependent).
So, if you’re feeling stuck, don’t fit where you are right now or are ready to change your current situation. Take your first step today and contact me to set up your free consultation and get ready to Welcome Change.
Educational background:
BSc Honours (Open)
CIPD Accredited Certificate Life Coaching
Advanced Life Coaching Dip.
Life Coaching Dip.
Life Coach Directory Approved Member
NVQ Assessor D32/D33
Registered General Nurse

What three traits define you?
Honest, friendly, professional
What is your personal philosophy?
Treat others the way you like to be treated yourself.
What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far?
Having to leave everything that was familiar and what I thought defined me as a person. I had to find my true self and values in order to rebuild my life in different countries with differing cultures, where I know nobody and don't speak the same language.
What is your most important survival skill?
The ability to get up every morning, to move forward and try again. Also to have a sense of humour and be able to laugh at myself. Sometimes life can get too serious.
Where is the best place you’ve travelled to and why?
This is difficult…. Honest answer after living overseas for a long time is back home! I guess as somewhere I’ve travelled to it would have to be Myanmar. As a family, we toured it by bike-an extraordinary country and the people were as curious to see us as we were of them.
What does happiness mean to you?
Happiness is a momentary thing so I am much more interested with contentment. I have wonderful moments of happiness or highs, but I also have lows. For me, contentment is what keeps these extremes in check.
How do you define success?
Being happy and content with who you are, where you are and what you have achieved.
A-ha moment?
If the path you're on isn't working then you need to have a willingness to change course. There is an infinite number of different ways to get where you want to go, you just need to pick one and try it out. If it doesn't seem to be leading where you thought it would then try another path. It's also ok to change your destination journey if you like the path you're on.
Best book you've ever read?
Difficult because I'm an avid reader but probably Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese or The Elegance of a Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery.
Why the Octopus logo?
An octopus symbolizes complexity, diversity, mystery, vision, intelligence, illusion, variability and insight. Much like octopuses humans can learn to disengage things in their life that are not needed anymore. Bad habits and addictions can all be changed.